
Friday 17 January 2014

Cristiano Ronaldo Wept


I had to write this fact in capital letters, so that you understand the intensity of my emotions.

A lot of people attribute my sentiments to jealousy, same way they did in the past when Thierry Henry was the object of my resentment. Other people who know me really well think any one in superiority rivalry with my beloved automatically attracts my dislike.

While these accusations may or may not be true, I can't deny the fact that I was one of Ronaldinho's voltrons, who labelled it a taboo to equate him with Thierry Henry or anyone else. However, I still can't categorically say that was the reason I didn't like Henry. He was plain annoying  and so was my cousin who was teasingly sure that Ronaldinho's favourite movie was "Shaka the Warrior" or any of those other unintelligent movies where the protagonist fought pointlessly with unruly villains who made animalistic noises, and hopped from place to place like monkeys, sharp opposite of elegant and intellectual "The Usual Suspect", Henry's kind of movies. Well, that's my cousin's baseless theory. "Ronaldinho would still kick his a@& anytime", I'd defend.

Looking back now, I have to admit being a Ronaldinho unsolicited representative was one of the most draining nonpaying jobs I've ever had to do my entire life. I'd exhaust myself arguing to the point of coarseness and throatiness. 

And what did all that hullabaloo earn me? A nickname, "Kokodinho". And then there was a particular neighbour who would have sworn that my hairstyles were Ronaldinho inspired, as bizarre as that sounds, even to me.

Oh Ronaldinho! I miss him!

The way his hair and arms flipped as he ran, all uniting to frustrate charging opponents. The three steps backwards after he had positioned the ball on a mark, the assertiveness and abundance in his straddling and akimbo pose, the way his eyes focused in absorbed calculation whenever he wanted to take free kicks/penalties, a style C. Ronaldo adopted but never delivered with the same finesse.

With C. Ronaldo, my dislike is different and identifiable. He is egotistical (the premium reason he doesn't appeal to a lot of people), but then so is Balotelli and that doesn't make me hate Balot. If anything, I'm amused by the Super Mario. If this be the case, then attributing my feelings towards C. Ronaldo to his ego will be flippant.

Cristiano Ronaldo is a hungry lion and driven a lot by his opponent's (in this case Messi) feats. I am an ardent devotee of Spanish La Liga and his vehement efforts to score in replica of/equality with Messi, and the mask of frustration that covers his face when he fails can't be hidden. This is more intense especially when Real Madrid games succeed Barcelona's and Messi scores. He can't hide this trait, and I'm sure he doesn't try to. 

He is competitive and wants to score goals even from the most difficult and outrageous positions, many times singly. I'd be lying to say he hasn't succeeded in most of such situations. His pursuit may have been to attain self prominence, but again, I'd be lying to say his efficiency hasn't favoured his clubs, past and present, and country as well. 

So yes! You can say I dislike him because he's hard working and driven.

Typical of his nature, he took advantage of Messi's absence due to injury and piled up goals for himself, broke records and like a giant stood tall above every other last year. I tipped him to beat the other top two contenders, so it was no surprise when he was announced the winner of the 2013 FIFA Ballon d'Ór.

Having come second to the little man for four times in a row, no one felt the pain of falling short especially after immense hard work more than Ronaldo. I could imagine the air of liberation that might have overwhelmed him so strongly to the point that he sobbed when his name was finally called out. I was sure I saw him mouth the word "finally".

I'm used to his whining and water works theatrics on the field, but for once, there's no denial that the tears that dropped on the floor of the concert hall in Kongresshaus, part on his son's hair were tears of relief and joy. They were genuine tears.

At that moment, for the first time ever, I felt a little surge of love for Cristiano or it was just an admiration for the cute little boy that was on the stage with him.

However, I can't say I was happy he won, because that'd be blatant dishonesty, and considering I had planned to revel had Ribery won. A whole part of me still wish that happened.

Regardless, I say good for him and his fans.

1 comment:

  1. Miss koko Hill,b4 I read dis topic,I wld lik to coment on it,d coment is dis 'I hate dis guy cald ronaldo''
