
Friday 3 January 2014

New Year's Resolutions

If you're reading this post, then you made it to the year 2014 with me. Yay!!! I bless God who made it possible.

As this is my first blog post of the year, I'd love to first of all wish you a Happy New Year. I hope you have a marvelous 2014. Take it from me, everything you require to accomplish and manifest your dreams and desires are already inherent in you. Tap into these potentials and make them happen. Good luck and cheers to a year overflowing with success, love, happiness and (insert benefits).


This morning, I stumbled across a Facebook post by one my mentors that inquired thus, "what's the first thing you are going to do for YOURSELF to improve your life in 2014"? This question propelled me to some brainstorming, and to my greatest mortification, I realized the major obstruction that has prevented me from being as productive as I should have is the Solitaire card game on my computer.  As stupid as this may come off, I've lost counts the number of times I've taken undeserving breaks to "cool off" or postponed finishing a report/article/letter until I have had five straight streaks. No, Solitaire has to go! Seriously! That's number one.

Read more

It's a habit that I've gradually started to imbibe few years back, but intend to intensify this year. Reading! As a child, my father strongly instilled the reading culture among all his children. Somehow, either by way of indifference or just sheer lethargy, that habit eluded me. He never really tried to shove it down anyone's throat, but in case any of us needed to visit a friend or run errands with neighbours, we were always likely to hear, "I bought all those Childcrafts and novels for all of you, pick up one and read like I am doing, you're not going anywhere". Need I say the futility of arguing with a voracious reading father preaching about reading books? Many times, we'd oblige, quite openly where he'd notice and likely reward us with a pass, even though very rarely.

Speaking for myself now, I understand his purpose, because being the biggest bank of knowledge I've ever known, my father's intention wasn't necessarily to nurture me into the home-lifer that I have ended up being (not complaining though, as long as I have my family, Al-Jazeera/Super Sports, ipad, phone and chewing gum), but to raise intellectually powerful individuals like (or more than) him.

Well, I intend to impact similar culture on my kids, more stringently and exemplarily. I'm sure if that has to be possible and effective, reading has to be a habit, plus it will also transform me into the great writer that I aspire to be.

Around the Bible in one year

It is true that a deep knowledge of oneself comes with a deep knowledge of God, and a deep knowledge of God comes with a deep knowledge of self. The word of God is God. What are the books of Nahum and Haggai about? Honestly, I do not have the slightest inkling.  It is the year to know.

Be more outdoorsy/in touch with friends and relatives

I know I said that I wasn't complaining about being a home-lifer earlier, but that didn't mean my stupid hobby/gadgets meant more to me more than my relatives and friends. As much as I love them, none of Frank Lampard, Messi or Dawson knows or cares about who the hell I am. People that do deserve my attention via calls, text messages and visits at least.

Keep my bar raised

I deserve more respect, more politeness, more kindness, more happiness, more love and refuse to settle for less.

Be more

A portion of the Bible I read this morning, Luke 6:37 said, ".....for the measure you give is the measure you receive back". Life is like a mirror, you smile, you get a smile back. People are more likely to react to me the same way I act towards them. Common sense! Therefore, if I want more respect and kindness, I've got to be more respectful and kind to others. It's that simple.

Being more also entails dedicating myself to be more aware of the less-privileged/needy, be a source
of inspiration to others through my behaviours and write-ups.

*With fingers crossed and eyes lifted up* So help me God!

Now, I understand, as human beings, our tendencies to detract from our code of conducts. If you do, instead of feeling ashamed or an urge to throw in the towel entirely, recommit yourself and pick up from where you detracted from, and hope for the best 2014.

All the best!

I'd be more than delighted to read your own New Year Resolutions as well in the comment section below. : D


  1. nice one my dear friend. wonderful piece

  2. I have resolve never to cheat on my wife again after reading a pix about "married but living single". I thank God for opening my eyes to reality! I have been blind thinking hanging out with my ex and friends means nothing. She almost racked my world! Vicky,if you are reading this,just know that I didn't mean to hurt you. I am so so sorry okay. I confess to Almighty God,and to you my brothers and sisters......

  3. Way to go George! That's a great start.

  4. Great piece of work...its a year to further strengthen my commitment and dedication to God and humanity
