
Tuesday 25 February 2014

No Woman, More Cry

"Look, women working by day and late at night, they sing of bright days that were, a long way back and forth forever"

Her songs are overwhelming, heartrending, ravishing and magical to the point of elevating one right up to level of celestial sphere. Even though I don't understand Irish Gaelic, Latin, French, Spanish Welsh, Sindarin, (the many languages she sings in a lot of times),  her songs are like a dagger that pierces through my soul, unearthing and gorging out every fear and doubt, negativity and hopelessness, turbulence and emptiness. 

In them, my mind is greatly motivated to dare dream as wild as I can. In them, I find the strength to forge ahead and hope when it seems all is lost. In them, I grasp the freedom to generally rise above ordinariness to greatness and perfection. In them, I feel the power of love, and believe in the reality of fairy tales. In them I find the clarification in the puzzles of life.

This is the power of music. This is the power of Enya's ethereal waves and synthesized background pattern of music. She is like no other.

I stumbled across yet another beautiful song titled "Ebudae" by her and as usual, I was mesmerized, and as a result, decided to dedicate it in honour, appreciation and celebration of womanhood.

The ever diligent hands that generate and supply

Heart full of undying and unconditional love  and care

The unwavering strength

The smile of hope

The Blessing. The Future

Now, I take a moment to commiserate with women who have been subjected to one societal plight or the other out of acts of inhumanity, ingratitude, egoism and/or low self esteem - the woman who endures the pangs of body altering pregnancy, labour and child-birth, and selflessly stays back home to nurture her family, while her efforts are tagged "common" by a husband who emotionally and physically abuses her day and night, cheats on her recklessly or refuses to cater for her upkeep and the child's, the woman who is unfairly demanded and almost compelled to earn 50% of the family's income and still left alone to perform ALL house chores, the traumatized rape victim who not only have to deal with the aftermath of rape, but also deals with injustice and ridicules from unfeeling individuals who think it's all her fault, the widow who must drink the poisonous bath water that was used to bathe her late husband's corpse and other degrading and dehumanizing "cleansing rituals", the boisterous-undaunted and hardworking woman whose great achievements have earned her death threats out of envy, and so on. You shall never walk alone.

In this awe-inspiring song I found the unquenchable inspiration to applaud and worship the wonder that we are - our greatness and achievements. Regardless of our struggles, we're the most stunning of all God's creation, and our worth surpasses the price-tags on the shoes and clothes we wear, the number of friends or followers we have on Facebook or Instagram or the hair/body products we use. In the eyes of God, we are important and worth dying for.

In the lyrics of Ebudae - "Look, women working by day and late at night, they sing of bright days that were, a long way back and forth forever", I perceive a clarion call to us women:

To support and encourage one another in our challenges
To commend and be happy for each other's achievements
To be a source of strength and motivation in hard times
To cherish and value ourselves, our femininity and our worth
To carry ourselves in  dignity
To dust ourselves up and keep trying
To never settle for less than we deserve
To believe and hold on to our dreams, goals and aspirations
To ignore the liar telling us we CAN'T...............

God bless us all!

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