
Friday 7 February 2014

Too Lazy To Think of A Beffiting Title

Today, I decided to squeeze out time to post something new here. It's been a while, right? I know it's cliche, but this chick has been really busy - too busy to notice the recent reform in our power sector sef.

I told you about my difficult January, right? So, add stress to the busy year it's been, and I'm sure you'd get an image of a pimple-faced woman on the brink of losing her mind, but still resilient enough to make a blog post, regardless of challenges.

Maybe it's not as serious as I make it sound. I mean, my sister thinks I tend to blow things out of proportion. In fact, I tend to blow things out of proportion. That or it's just a writer's inclination to spice up gists with embellishments. However, that doesn't nullify the existence of a zit on my right cheek. And when zits start rearing their black heads, I know I have unknowingly(most times) bitten more than I could chew.

Well, enough of my zit whine, how have you been? Perhaps, it hasn't been as difficult for you, I hope. Whatever, you and I can look forward to more blessed and stress-free (manageably at least) days ahead. Cheers to a fabulous month of February! *Raises my bottle of Fanta*.

So, back to the power matter. Two days ago, I received an honouring offer to update on a special website run by a genius friend of mine. In his exact words, "we need someone who can adequately represent our goal, not just a reporter, for it (the website that is) goes beyond reporting." Which reminds me, I GOTTA quickly finish up with this post, because I have a poem to write (for the first time ever). LOL!

I know, a little diversion, but I couldn't help but recall a line of similar offers I've been receiving lately. The weirdest of them all from two of my girlfriends, (my sisters from other mothers) who set me up with this poetry competition, and they weren't taking the fact that I had never tried poetry as an excuse. "You never know what is left untapped in there", they argued. Really, what's with these people having faith in me? Can you tell I'm gloating? :D.

I love y'all AWESOME PEOPLE for your supports and belief in me. 

Where was I...? Yes, the offer from my genius friend. Before the offer, he asked what I knew about the power sector. He sounded like there was something worthy happening there that I should know about. Of course, I noticed power supply got a lot worse since the beginning of this year. The maddening constant noise and choking fumes from generators had lingered on in the hot air longer than usual, plus I have had to pay N150 more in every one of my weekly salon visits, in provision of diesel used to power the generator. It's so frequent that at a point, I suspected there had been light the times the generator was left running.

Sometimes, the noise and fume smell became so overwhelming that I fantasized about vanishing to Spain, securing a job as a sports reporter in Barcelona, get to hang out with stars like Alexis Sanchez, Messi and Busquet during interviews, probably become a controversial reporter after I had told Martino he's the most "swagless" coach to walk the face of the earth. Other times I wished I was airborne and infinitely divisible so I could fly about the entire neighbourhood simultaneously, depositing piles of salt into every fuel tank, and wrecking every carburetor/engine until they couldn't be repaired anymore.

Well, because I had eavesdropped on some people sometime last year discussing about the presidential agenda to privatize the power sector albeit uninterestedly/unintentionally coupled with recent deterioration in the supply of power, I quickly concluded these could be the significant factor to my friend's question, so I answered in that line. Afterwards, he proceeded to giving me an eloquent lecture on the current commercial financing and investment in the power sector by private sectors. This urged me to read further about this reformation.

Despite the fact that the almost 150 paged blueprint for the reform process in the power sector ranks as one of the most boring pieces I've ever read (what with all it's graph representations and having to stumble across figures as 40, 000MW more frequent than not) , it was quite educating, and I dare say promising. Yes, I believe the reformation in the power sector will equally yield beneficial results, in the same way reformation in the telecommunication sector did. Like my friend said, we'll all have to be patient.

Knowing what I know now, PHCN will finally rest from my curses every time power comes on and goes off every five minutes.

I understand and will cut them some slack from now on.

You should too, ok?

Relax, burn some more fuel, or candle whenever Koko is in the block. :D


  1. As usual....nice

  2. Hmmmmmm! That is all I have to say...already in the fold.

  3. I knew u were good but not to this extent,u just made my morning with your write up.excellent

  4. Dear Anonymous, thank you!

    Hello Jude, watch it..., my options are very much wide open...:D

    Coming from you, Elijah, I'm lifted. Thanks.

    Onyii dear, I'm glad you enjoyed the piece....

  5. Nice work, Koko. Thought provoking but these days I've learned to take power supply and it's related issues with a cup of tea.

  6. See more of you on this street soon. Well done... 👏👏

  7. Hello Bisi, thanks a lot for stopping by this street (how I LOVE this tag :D).
